HALF BLACK, HALF BLACKER by Sterling Plumpp.

i went down to malcolmland
me come back a man.

me return with blackness
drippin from my every breath.
i went down to malcolmland
but him gave me a grass sack
him told me to stuff-in all the blackness
i could
him told me
to run as fast as me could
back to blackpeople
back to blackpeople
so me wouldn’t lose
all my goodies

i went down to malcolmland me come back a man.

me left my kness
& lifted my eyes eastward
& me ran me ran…
malcolm say god black love black
man black heaven black heaven here
me made black
but me hadta run back
thru fire
with a sack of blackness
on my shoulders.
me think I all black, sometimes
me think I all black others
cause me may lose some blackness
tryin to bring it to blackpeople

i go down to malcolmland
me come back a man.

me black when
me think about Malcolm, medgar, martin,
fred, bobbies, mark, lumumba…
me lose some blackness
when me don’t do nothin
ain’t me black?
ain’t me black?
i am in malcolmland
me know me be blacker…

Sterling Plumpp

Category: Freedom,