Today's Africana Almanac

Black History and the American Korean War, a story
Military Read More
John Atkinson, Park Superintendant born.
Outdoors Read More
Mercedes Gilbert, Actress born
Theater Read More
Plantations in the United States of America, a story
Business Read More
Austin ‘Tom’ Clarke, Novelist born
Literature Read More
The Kalinago Community, a story
Heritage Read More
John Africa, MOVE Activist born
Activist Read More
Edgar G. Brown, Journalist, and Lobbyist born
Business Read More



We offer "Simple Solutions For Successful Teaching"

African American Registry®.

Our Teacher’s Forum® subscription service features culturally relevant curriculum that enhances all subjects, a 24/7 accessible online video tutorial, lesson plans, discussion board, coaching for groups, safe distance options, data tracking and more.


New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

Whose children are these? Who do these children belong to? With no power to look over, He look at them sleeping, Exhaustion overwhelming hunger, barely Protect with burlap from the cold Cabin....

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There are many ways in which you can support The African American Registry®. We help everyone become more productive citizens through our diverse education services and youth programs. Benefactors can be foundations or individuals. All contributions are 100% tax deductible

Join Our Street Team

Youth Programs at the Registry are designed to give youth a guided voice. We call them "Street Teams" and we currently have two. They work with youth between ages 8 thru 18 connecting them with other races and elders in their community and preserve their experiences. We also challenge youth to do research with our content and align their choices with their birthday, an episode, person or location.
