NUBIAN WARRIOR by Tiy-e Muhammad.

I am Nuba!
The great warrior of the world.
My strengths are my mind and soul.
I walk as upright as an oak tree.
My muscles last forever under this tight skin.

I talk through the world as a “God”.
I am Nuba! Nothing shames me.
I cannot be destroyed
I have seen all
I am living my 9th life.
I “Nuba” protect my queen…as night oversees day

For my enemy is a wicked one.
Tells me, I am not of the chosen.
Instead, evils live within “Nuba” and cannot be trusted.

How dare you say such.
It was I who created all.
I am “God”, you are of me.
Respect this or Nuba shall have your heart and crush it if it were stone.

Your time to rule has ended.
The great warrior of God, has come to destroy all who are not of the chosen.
Respect…your roots.
Nubian warrior…..
Copyright 1998 by Tiy-E Muhammad All rights reserved.

Category: Celebration of Blackness,