

INNW, Civics, the HD Challenge, and International

Our Street Team programs help youths and older adults value heritage more through healing. We learn from history and guide voices. They are structured to honor the Safe Space protocol 😷😷 Distance Learning formats (Zoom, Skype, etc.). We call our programs Street Teams, and we currently have three.  INNW, the HD Challenge, Civics, and International.

INNW (if not now when) works with youth ages 8 through 18, connecting them with other races and elders in their community and preserving their experiences.  

HD Challenge encourages them to research our content and align their choices with their birthday with a probing question about the person, location, or episode.

Civics is more Op/Ed, giving millennials a video platform to share policy views on democracy, fairness, law, and citizenry.

International is a virtual study-abroad interactive global program.  It promotes intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.

Features:  We connect young people to learn and appreciate other youths and elders through video-recorded dialogue.  We also guide them to unearth how they are part of their history in episodes, people of locations.

Impact:  We are bridging generational and racial gaps with honest, safe questions and answers. We give young people added choices with our extensive content as they research. They learn about Information Literacy!

Benefits: Relationships are created, and experiences are shared on all participants’ social media pages (if they choose) and our ‘Street Team’ Registry pages. Youths develop writing and oral (speaking) skills and receive a hard copy of their work.

Street Team programs represent a crucial part of our mission, ‘Inspiring the Young Minds of Our Future. They grow because they are an investment model in people and locations. We require College students and adult community members to learn how to implement and carry on our program. That way, we instill buy-in for each community to profit from themselves.

We serve as a hands-on consultant with INNW. Partners learn our syllabus and curriculum to replicate future INNW programs independently. Youth who participate and excel will share their experience and become ambassadors for our youth programs. Commitment from partners for the entire term is vital for each program.

Budget requirements for INNW (only)start at around 20K to cover all costs for twelve weekly classes. We consult with partners for foundation support. If you want more information or to create any of our three Street Teams in your community, call or text the Registry at 612-822-6831 or email us at