May 2013

Blog Archive

Wed, 29.05.2013

Coming Out!

Well, it finally happened. A gay man came out as a basketball player. Wait, I’m sorry, a basketball player came out as a gay man. Amidst the growing climate change that is the Civil Rights Movement’s current struggle, Equality for Gays, Jason Collins’ coming out literally helped the conversation move from behind closed doors out […]

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Thu, 02.05.2013

The Reminder!

I recently inherited some R&R and decided that now was
 a good time to refresh my Civil War knowledge. This wasn’t something I
 necessarily planned, it all just, came about. I had been going through Netflix
 in search of titles that would fill up my ‘Instant Queue’ when “Ken Burns: The
 Civil War” caught my […]

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

Darling you send me I know you send me darling you send me honest you do, honest you do honest you do, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh you thrill me I know you, you, you thrill me darling you, you,... YOU SEND ME by Sam Cooke
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