
Blog Subject

Mon, 01.04.2019

Reparations, Who/What Needs Repair?

This year’s conversations towards the national elections in 2020 show several democratic candidates talking about reparations with some plans of action.   This blog will use the term reparations as it is used in tort law, which is narrow and is completely inapplicable to the history of slavery in the USA. Ethically it requires a living […]

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Wed, 25.01.2017

You Can Be Anything You Want (But What Does The Black Community Need)?

Whether coming from a successful black person, a role model, parent, or mentor we often hear the phrase, “I tell my children that they can be anything they want to be.” African Americans work hard, yet nearing 60 years after the 20th-century civil rights movement, our level of representation in many occupations lags severely behind […]

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Thu, 16.10.2014

Race And Sports In America (2014), by B. Mchie

Question authority is more than a bumper sticker from the 1960’s. It is a statement that speaks to how anyone keeps themselves in check whether personal or business concerns are the subject. Regarding the racial landscape of team ownership in the NBA I find the current method of qualifying to own to be very sad […]

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

August, 'twas the twenty-fifth, Seventeen houndred forty-six, The Indians did in ambush lay, Some very valiant men to slay. 'Twas nigh unto Sam Dickinson's mill, The Indians there five men did kill. The names of... BARS FIGHT by Lucy Terry
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