
Our blogs are opinions from the inner circle of the African American Registry, our board members, contract educators, activists, and visionaries. None claim to ‘know it all.’ However, we ask questions and make statements to ‘Stay Woke’ and thrive as Africans and Africans in the diaspora.

Thu, 08.01.2013

What Is Character Pt? II

The United States of America has always been a country club for those that have, while the rest of the people were fortunate enough to be the groundskeepers and live on the outer edges of the course. The forefathers of the constitution acknowledged the need for the mythical ‘pursuit of happiness,’ as a way of […]

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Sat, 07.20.2013

What Is Character Pt? I

What is character? If you look up the actual definition via Merriam-Webster, 2a: one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. 2c: the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation. Now take a minute and think about what you believe to be […]

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Wed, 05.29.2013

Coming Out!

Well, it finally happened. A gay man came out as a basketball player. Wait, I’m sorry, a basketball player came out as a gay man. Amidst the growing climate change that is the Civil Rights Movement’s current struggle, Equality for Gays, Jason Collins’ coming out literally helped the conversation move from behind closed doors out […]

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Thu, 05.02.2013

The Reminder!

I recently inherited some R&R and decided that now was
 a good time to refresh my Civil War knowledge. This wasn’t something I
 necessarily planned, it all just, came about. I had been going through Netflix
 in search of titles that would fill up my ‘Instant Queue’ when “Ken Burns: The
 Civil War” caught my […]

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Tue, 02.12.2013

The slave In The Corner (the elephant in the room)

What makes The United States of America just as hypocritical in the 21st century, as we were in the 20th and 19th? On one side, we talk about progressing towards a better future: more efficient fuel sources, a safe environment, better opportunities to improve economic standing, and maintaining a healthy life so that we may […]

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Thu, 04.15.2010

What happened to the successes of the Million Man March?

*The Million Man March was a mass gathering held in Washington, D.C., on October 16, 1995. Under the leadership of Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan, black men from across the United States converged on Washington in an effort to… “convey to the world a vastly different picture of the Black male” and to unite […]

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

A Resolution Yet deterred, by fate alone Many questionable, conclusions, questions, details Yet to determine who is the blame A resolution, only to retroact an opposition Yet to insist the muddied possibility for change A Resolution, author Unknown
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