
Podcast (audiovisual library):

Our Podcast is an ongoing collection of audio speeches, interviews, and lectures by Black elders, professionals, young people, and others who are invested in our community. It was conceived as a learning tool about the black experience.

The purpose of the podcast is to:

  • Use the audio “Theater of the Mind” to convey Blackness.
  • Serve as a voice for our views, advice, affirmations, and critique.
  • Enhance existing video content on our website.
  • Support the oral traditions that are the trademark of Black people.

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

August, 'twas the twenty-fifth, Seventeen houndred forty-six, The Indians did in ambush lay, Some very valiant men to slay. 'Twas nigh unto Sam Dickinson's mill, The Indians there five men did kill. The names of... BARS FIGHT by Lucy Terry
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