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Thu, 24.09.2009

ESHU by Adesanya Alakoye

I will whisper your name
on the winds of each new sun
to carry my prayers to you
and you
mischief maker
lord of chance
will place my words
at the feet of

Reprinted from Tell Me How Willing Slaves Be
(Washington, D.C.: Energy BlackSouth Press, 1976)

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

This poem re-stages a tracing match (quarrel) between two Jamaican women. Common cuss-words like "boogooyagga" (low-grade) "heng-pon-nail " (bedraggled) are used. Gwan gal yuh fava teggereg, Ah wey yuh gwine goh... CUSS – CUSS by Louise Bennett.
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