December 0

Blog Archive

Wed, 01.07.2015

Signs Along The Road Being Put There by Henry Grimes

Signs read all along — as roadside signs are
claim to absolute newness and mastery of all mystery
as signs are, the ones that you see go down the road —
with you, as are trumped all universal sorts of energy
that emerges from them — are mystery
(I said, as I thought if I would ever see her again)
and the condition of them being put there
seen all along the highway.

Signs are called, then, these original works of art
designed to snare and hold the human heart — before,
like on a prior occasion when you have seen them

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

This poem re-stages a tracing match (quarrel) between two Jamaican women. Common cuss-words like "boogooyagga" (low-grade) "heng-pon-nail " (bedraggled) are used. Gwan gal yuh fava teggereg, Ah wey yuh gwine goh... CUSS – CUSS by Louise Bennett.
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