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Thu, 24.09.2009

LEARNING TO READ by Frances E. W. Harper.

Very soon the Yankee teachers
Came down and set up school;
But oh!

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Thu, 24.09.2009

THE SLAVE AUCTION by Frances E. W. Harper.

The sale began-young girls were there,
Defenseless in their wretchedness,
Whose stifled sobs of deep despair
Revealed their anguish and distress.

And Mothers stood with streaming eyes,
And saw their dearest children sold;
Unheeded rose their bitter cries,
While tyrants battered them for gold.

And women, with her love and truth-
For those in sable forms may dwell-
Gazed on the husband of her youth,
With anguish none may paint or tell.

And men, whose sole crime was their hue,
The impress of their Maker’s hand,
And frail and shrieking children, too,
Were gathered in that mo

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

At home we pray every morning, we get down on our knees in a circle, holding hands, holding Love, and we sing hallelujah. Then we go into the world. Daddy speeds,... ULYSSES by Gwendolyn Brooks.
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