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Thu, 24.09.2009

PATIENCE by Frank Horne.

they all say…
but will patience
climb up a stair
or pick up a spoon
or chant a litany?
…those hollows
worn in a cathedral step
by the long slow prayers
of countless worshippers kneeling…

But do I not have a hundred years
nor forty
nor ten-
O you they call Eternal
to whom a thousand years
are but the wink of a languid eye-
help me to crowd
years of patient trial
and error
into the few flying days
I have…
Lend me but a jot
of Your aeon-packed
compress its infinite patience
into hours
and minutes
if it be Thy w

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Your door is shut against my tightened face, And I am sharp as steel with discontent; But I possess the courage and the grace To bear my anger proudly... THE WHITE HOUSE by Claude McKay.
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