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Thu, 24.09.2009

A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND by Alberta Hunter.

*A good man is hard to find; you always get the other kind.
Just when you think that he is your pal
You look for him fooling ‘round some other gal.
Then you rave; you even crave to see him laying in his grave.
So, if your man is nice, take my advise and hug him in the morning.
Kiss him ev’ry night, give him plenty lovin, treat him right,
for a good man now-a-days is hard to find…

written by Eddie Green, copyright 1999, Hal Leonard Corp.
Made famous by Alberta Hunter


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These are the years of the empty hands. And what were those just past, swift with the flash of alloyed hulls but carrying no cargo? Outside our... SLAVES by Reginald Shepherd.
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