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Thu, 24.09.2009


The trolley cars was rollin and the passengers all while when Sojourner just decided it was time to take a seat
The trolley cars was a rollin and the passengers all white when Sojourner decided it was time to take a seat
It was time she felt to rest a while and ease up on her feet
So Sojourner put her hand out tried to flag a trolley down
So Sojourner put her hand out for the trolley crossin town
And the driver did not see her the conductor would not stop
But Sojourner yelled, “It’s me!”
And put her body on the track
“It’s me!” she yelled “And yes
I walked here but I ain’t walkin back

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

In honor of President Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States of America, 2008 – 2016 #44 OPENED THAT DOOR by Marjorie J. Frazier
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