We used to gather in the high window of the holiness church and, tip-toe, look in and laugh at the dresses, too small on the ladies, and how wretched they all looked-an old garage for a church, for pews, old wooden chairs.
It seemed a lame excuse for a church.
Britannia’s isles proclaim that freedom is their theme; And we do view those honored lands With soul-delighting mien.
And unto those they held in gloom, Gave ev’ry one their right; They did distain fell slavery’s shade, And trust in freedom’s light.
Then unto ev’ry British blood, their noble worth revere, And think them ever noble men, And like them hence appear.
And when on Britain’s isles remote We’re then in freedom’s bounds, And while we stand on British ground, “You’re free-you’re free!” resounds.
Lift ye that country’s banner high, And may it nobly wave, Until beneath the az
learn moreNot a new thing
but an excavated gem
long lost in centuries
of self-separations.
Will make a man strong
ready to die for his
woman/ child/ and country/
which is obscured in doubt.
the priceless dynamo
called human love that
makes a man, a man,
and moves him to self-pride…..
Sterling Plumpp