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Thu, 24.09.2009

MARYUMA by Frank Lamont Phillips.

At seventeen your thoughts
were younger than your face
and your smile mirrored in dishwater
was Mississippi pleasant
you had large eyes and larger hopes of
marrying somebody rich
or famous or something
you settled for a little house
so close to the tracks that the sound of a train
shook some of everything
you settled for a boy
with eyes larger than your own
you settled for dishwater
just as deep as that you knew at home…

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

This poem re-stages a tracing match (quarrel) between two Jamaican women. Common cuss-words like "boogooyagga" (low-grade) "heng-pon-nail " (bedraggled) are used. Gwan gal yuh fava teggereg, Ah wey yuh gwine goh... CUSS – CUSS by Louise Bennett.
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