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Thu, 24.09.2009

THE BALLAD OF CASEY JONES by Wallace Saunders.

“Come, all you rounders, if you want to hear
The story told of a brave engineer;
Casey Jones was the rounder’s name,
A high right-wheeler of mighty fame.”
Of mighty fame, of mighty fame,
A high right-wheeler of mighty fame.
Casey pulled into the Memphis yard
Fed up, beat down and dog tired,
Another driver had called in sick,
Asking Casey to do a double trick.
Casey smiled, said, “I’m feelin’ fine,
Gonna ride that train to the end of the line.
There’s ridges and bridges, and hills to climb,
Got a head of steam and ahead of time.”
Ahead of time, ahead of time.

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Would she have been a person with a completely different outlook on life? There are times when I visit her and find her settled on a chair in our dilapidated... MY MOTHER, IF SHE HAD WON FREE DANCE LESSONS by Cornelius Eddy.
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