December 0

Blog Archive

Thu, 24.09.2009

LONG COTTON ROW by Elma Stuckey.

Lord, don’t let that sun
On long cotton row,
Look like I done chopped
’til I can’t chop no mo’.

Shoo that sun over there
Right behind that cloud,
Then when breeze come ‘long
I might be proud.

Tha’ll make the day mo’ easy,
Won’t seem so long getting’ through,
And if I ain’t too broken down
I’ll sho be praisin’ You,
That’s if I ain’t too broken down…

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New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

Whose children are these? Who do these children belong to? With no power to look over, He look at them sleeping, Exhaustion overwhelming hunger, barely Protect with burlap from the cold Cabin.... WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THESE? by Gearld Barrax.
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