SERVANTS by Thomas William Burton

I am the second help,
While Annie is the cook;
Emma sees after the children,
Then the old woman takes a look.
She looks to keep us busy –
Good deal of that is done -,
Then goes back in a pace
As though she’s having fun.
She then reports to the young one,
To see what she will say;
Then it comes for my time
To drive them both away.
I am the second help,
While Annie is the cook;
Emma sees after the children,
Then the old woman takes a look.
She looks to keep us busy –
Good deal of that is done -,
Then goes back in a pace
As though she’s having fun.
She then reports to the young one,
To see what she will say;
Then it comes for my time
To drive them both away…..

Thomas Burton

Category: Healing,