December 0

Blog Archive

Thu, 24.09.2009

AT THE CLOSED GATE OF JUSTICE by James David Corrothers.

To be a Negro on a day like this Demands forgiveness.
Bruised with blow on blow,
Betrayed, like him whose woe dimmed eyes gave bliss,
Still must one succor those who brought one low,
To be a Negro on a day like this

To be a Negro on a day like this
Demands rare patience-patience that can wait
In utter darkness. ‘Tis the path to miss,
And knock, unheeded, at iron gate,
To be a Negro on a day like this

To be a Negro on a day like this
Demands strange loyalty, we served a flag
Which is to us white freedom’s emphasis.

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Poetry Corner

Whose children are these? Who do these children belong to? With no power to look over, He look at them sleeping, Exhaustion overwhelming hunger, barely Protect with burlap from the cold Cabin.... WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THESE? by Gearld Barrax.
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