December 0

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Thu, 24.09.2009

DEALING SCRAPS by Ruth Garnett.

I must have back this breath
you take away
like wine.

Your love
is formidable, like night
and certain prodding
to sobs.

When you leave
it is with nothing left;
weird shadow
haunt the light
and gaunt reflection
in glass.

I have lingered
at my neighbor’s house
to steal from time
and her sorrows

I seek out strangers.

In my own house
I am stranger
to the thick presence
of your absence.

For these hours
I invent

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Would she have been a person with a completely different outlook on life? There are times when I visit her and find her settled on a chair in our dilapidated... MY MOTHER, IF SHE HAD WON FREE DANCE LESSONS by Cornelius Eddy.
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