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Thu, 24.09.2009

BLACK POWER by Alvin Saxon (Ojenke).

There shall be no more songs
of soft magnolias that blow
like aromatic winds through southern vales,
no more praises of daffodils chattering
the winds fluttering tune-
and no eulogies of red, red roses
that fall like blood from heavy vines.

Black Orpheus calls, his lyre piercing
the dark solitude of hadean world:
Come O Ebony-hued Eurydice, he beckons,
he shan’t look back-the lesson has
been well learned.

There have been despondent days
and long nights of insomnia-
but your voice, sweet Eurydice,
was like some Nigerian wind that
blew softly through the water wil

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In a house of empty rooms, I thought I heard a door close down the long hall. I couldn’t know whether someone had entered, whether someone had left. No further step,... A CLOSING by May Miller
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