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Thu, 24.09.2009

ELEGANCE IN THE EXTREME (for Cecil Taylor) by Ntozake Shange.

elegance in the extreme
gives style to the hours
of coaxing warmth outta
no where
elegant hoodlums
elegant intellectuals
elegant ornithologists
elegant botanist
but elegance in the extreme helps most

the stranger who hesitates
to give what there is
for fear of unleashing madness
which is sometimes
uninvolved in contemporary mores
archetypal realities or graciousness
in absence of extreme elegance
madness can set right in like
a burnin gauloise on Japanese silk
even the silk must ask
how to burn discreetly…..


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Thu, 24.09.2009

WE HAVE BEEN SEEN by Kalamuya Salaam.

we have been seen
flying graciously through the air a foot here
the left hard titty of some brother’s
chest there slowing arching away across far eastern smoke strewn skies chunks of charred well done black meat winging high like black crows crossing the sun

we have been seen
flaming in the night juices of our manhood frying,
popping like sausage in our dangling veins strung out from trees
for flies to play on and race circling around
the remnants of our burnt heads

we have been seen
crippled crazy bowlegged and
lame hopping and pushing our bodies across this jagge

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Thu, 24.09.2009

LONG COTTON ROW by Elma Stuckey.

Lord, don’t let that sun
On long cotton row,
Look like I done chopped
’til I can’t chop no mo’.

Shoo that sun over there
Right behind that cloud,
Then when breeze come ‘long
I might be proud.

Tha’ll make the day mo’ easy,
Won’t seem so long getting’ through,
And if I ain’t too broken down
I’ll sho be praisin’ You,
That’s if I ain’t too broken down…

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Poetry Corner

these hips are big hips they need space to move around in. they don't fit into little petty places. these hips are free hips. they don't like to be... HOMAGE TO MY HIPS by Lucille Clifton
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