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Thu, 24.09.2009

INQUIRY by Ntozake Shange

My questions concern the subject poetry is whatever runs out/ whatever digs my guts til there’s is no space in myself
Cryin wont help/ callin mama wont help lover are detour/ no way to assuage this poem/ but in the words & they are deceitful/ all of you to share me/ & I hide under my bed/

Poetry is unavoidable connection/ some people get married/ others join the Church I carry notebooks/ so I can tell us what happened/ midnight snacks in bed with whoever/ are no compensation/ when I’m listening to multitudes of voices / I consume yr every word & move/

During the day you are initiated i

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Thu, 24.09.2009


why don’t you go on & integrate a german-american school in st.

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Thu, 24.09.2009

ELEGANCE IN THE EXTREME (for Cecil Taylor) by Ntozake Shange.

elegance in the extreme
gives style to the hours
of coaxing warmth outta
no where
elegant hoodlums
elegant intellectuals
elegant ornithologists
elegant botanist
but elegance in the extreme helps most

the stranger who hesitates
to give what there is
for fear of unleashing madness
which is sometimes
uninvolved in contemporary mores
archetypal realities or graciousness
in absence of extreme elegance
madness can set right in like
a burnin gauloise on Japanese silk
even the silk must ask
how to burn discreetly…..


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Poetry Corner

Would she have been a person with a completely different outlook on life? There are times when I visit her and find her settled on a chair in our dilapidated... MY MOTHER, IF SHE HAD WON FREE DANCE LESSONS by Cornelius Eddy.
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