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Thu, 24.09.2009

THE BLACK CHRIST (to bible reading Eskimos). by Haki R. Madhubuti.

without a doubt
rome did the whi
te thing when it
killed christ.
It has been proven
that j.c. was non-whi
te in the darkest
way possible black ink on whi
te paper
from the west
ern cowBoys with two guns & music
written on paper with
black lines.
it makes mary in-
too a first class
john the bas
tard on
ly got people
the cat
holic church cried
all the way to the

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Thu, 24.09.2009

WE DO NOT LOVE OUR OWN by Haki R. Madhubuti.

My brothers I will not tell you what to love or not love
I will only say to you that black women hove not been loved enough.

I will say to you that we are at war & that black men in America are being removed from the earth.

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Thu, 24.09.2009

FIRST WORLD (for Cheikh Anta Diop) by Haki R. Madhubuti

we were raised on the lower eastside of detroit,
close to harlem, new york, around the block from watts,
next to the Mississippi delta in north america.

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Thu, 24.09.2009

MY BROTHERS by Haki R. Madhubuti

My brothers I will not tell you who to love or not love. I will only say to you that Black women have not been loved enough.

I will say to you that we are at war & that Black men in America are being removed from the earth. Like loose sand in a wind storm and that the women Black are there to teach us.

No my brothers I will not tell you who to love but I will make you aware of our self hating and hurting ways. Make you aware of whose bellies you dropped from.

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Poetry Corner

*Honey you do me wrong but still I'm crazy about you Stay away too long and i can't do without you Every chance you get you seem to hurt me more... AIN’T THAT PECULIAR by Marvin Gaye
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