Today's Articles

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Thu, 07.20.1916

The Wheatley-Provident Hospital (Kansas City) is Founded

This date celebrates the 1916 founding of Wheatley-Provident Hospital, the first medical facility to serve the Black community of Kansas City, MO.

Created in 1910 as the Perry Sanitarium and Training School for Nurses, it was named after Dr. J. Edward Perry. However, the hospital had become too small and outdated to fully serve the community’s needs.

Through the efforts of many area civic groups, Wheatley-Provident was replaced by Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital. On June 12, 1972, the last patients of Wheatley-Provident were moved to the new hospital.  Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital survived for another decade, but due to declining admissions, it closed its doors permanently in 1983.

To Become a Nurse

To become a Doctor




Black Archives of Mid-America
2033 Vine Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108

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Sipping the new tea his wrinkled face absorbs steam… the smell of roses Summer evening sun; a row of tombs-their shadows reaching the ditchbank a black woman breastfeeding her infant- the autumn... HAIKU by Lenard D. Moore
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