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Fri, 11.18.1927

Bishop State Community College is Founded

Bishop State Community College (BSCC) was founded in 1927 on this date.

Located in Mobile, Alabama, BSCC is one of more than 100 historically black Colleges and Universities in America (HBCUs). Bishop State Community College began as the Mobile Branch of Alabama State Teachers' College of Montgomery. At first, the college offered an extension course for in-service teachers. In 1936, it established a year-round two-year college. In 1965, it was officially named Mobile State Junior College.

In 1971, the state Legislature again changed the name to S.D. Bishop State Junior College, in honor of its then-president, Dr. S.D. Bishop. In 1989, the name was changed to Bishop State Community College to reflect its growth in vocational/career offerings, transfer offerings, and community service activities.

On August 22, 1991, the Alabama State Board of Education consolidated two technical colleges in Mobile, Southwest State Technical College and Carver State Technical College, with Bishop State Community College. These colleges now serve as campuses of Bishop State Community College.

BSCC's mission centers on the needs of students and the community. It provides supportive services such as personal and academic counseling, tutorial laboratories, and cultural enrichment. Bishop State Community College offers an associate of arts, an associate of science, and an associate of applied science degree, as well as certificates in career and occupational programs.

Extracurricular activities include three intercollegiate sports programs: basketball for men and women, baseball, and softball. BSCC also offers a choir and band, several student clubs, and specific activities sponsored by the Student Government Association.



Black American Colleges and Universities:
Profiles of Two-Year, Four-Year, & Professional Schools
by Levin Hill, Pub., Gale Group, 1994
ISBN: 0-02-864984-2

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