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Mon, 03.18.1935

Frances Cress Welsing, Psychiatrist born

Frances Cress Welsing

*Frances Cress Welsing was born on this date in 1935. She was a Black psychiatrist. Frances Luella Cress Welsing was born Frances Luella Cress in Chicago, Illinois.

Her father, Henry N. Cress, was a physician, and her mother, Ida Mae Griffen, was a teacher. In 1957, she earned a B.S. degree at Antioch College, and in 1962 received an M.D. at Howard University. In the 1960s, Welsing moved to Washington, D.C., and worked at many hospitals, especially children's hospitals. While Welsing was an assistant professor at Howard University, she formulated her first body of work in 1969, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation, and self-published it in 1970. Critics have described her as a black supremacist. The paper subsequently appeared in the May 1974 edition of the Black Scholar. This introduced her thoughts that would be developed in The Isis Papers.  


1992 Welsing published The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors. The book is a compilation of essays she had written over 18 years. The name "The Isis Papers" was inspired by an ancient Egyptian goddess. Isis was the sister/wife of the most significant god Osiris. According to Welsing, all the names of the gods were significant; however, according to Welsing, Osiris means "lord of the perfect Black." Welsing specifically chose the name Isis for her admiration of "truth and justice," which made justice stronger than gold and silver. In this book, she talks about the genocide of people of color globally, along with the issues Black people in the United States face. According to Welsing, the genocide of people of color is caused by white people's inability to produce melanin.

The minority status of whites has caused what she calls a preoccupation with white genetic survival. She believed that injustice caused by racism would end when "non-white people worldwide recognize, analyze, understand and discuss openly the genocidal dynamic."  She also addressed issues such as drug use, murder, teen pregnancy, infant mortality, incarceration, and unemployment in the Black community. According to Welsing, the cause of these issues is her definition of racism (white supremacy). According to her, black men are at the center of Welsing's discussion because they "have the greatest potential to cause white genetic annihilation." 


In The Isis Papers, she described white people as the genetically defective descendants of albino mutants. She wrote that due to this "defective" mutation, they may have been forcibly expelled from Africa, among other possibilities. Racism, in the views of Welsing, is a conspiracy "to ensure white genetic survival."  She attributed AIDS and addiction to crack cocaine and other substances to "chemical and biological warfare" by white people. Welsing created a definition of racism, her theory of non-white genocide globally. She referred to racism and white supremacy synonymously.

Her definition was "Racism (white supremacy) is the local and global power system dynamic, structured and maintained by those who classify themselves as white; whether consciously or subconsciously determined; this system consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action, and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war. The ultimate purpose of the system is to ensure white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on Earth --- a planet in which the overwhelming majority of people are classified as non-white, (black, brown, red, and yellow) by white-skinned people. All of the non-white people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white-skinned people". 

Welsing was against white supremacy and what she saw as the emasculation of Black men. Welsing caused controversy after she said that homosexuality among Blacks was a ploy by white males to decrease the black population, arguing that the emasculation of the Black man was a means to prevent the procreation of Black people. Welsing believed that this is one of the goals of racism (white supremacy). She called this process "effeminization" and identified it as a form of oppression. with an extension being bisexuality and homosexuality. On December 30, 2015, Welsing suffered two strokes and was placed in critical care at a Washington, D.C.-area hospital. She died on January 2, 2016, at the age of 80.

To become a Psychologist.

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