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Thu, 05.29.1851

Sojourner Truth Gives Her ‘Ain’t I A Woman’ Speech

Historic Marker Plaque

*On this date in 1851, Sojourner Truth gave her famous "Ain't I a Woman?" speech for the first time.  Though it did not originally have a title and was delivered impromptu, it has inspired the Black feminists’ community since.  

After gaining her freedom in 1827, Sojourner Truth became a well-known anti-slavery speaker. Her speech was delivered at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio. Two contemporary newspapers briefly reported on it, and a transcript was published in the Anti-Slavery Bugle on June 21, 1851.

It received wider publicity in 1863 during the American Civil War when Frances Dana Barker Gage published a different version, which became known as Ain't I a Woman?  Because of its oft-repeated question.

The later, better-known, and more widely available version has been referenced by most historians.  

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In Orangeburg my brothers did the African twist around a bone-fire they'd built at the gate to keep the hunkies out. The day before they'd caught one shooting... IN ORANGEBURG MY BROTHERS DID by A. B. Spellman.
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