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Sat, 02.13.1993

Black Love Day is Celebrated

*This date from 1993 celebrates Black Love Day (BLD) in America. BLD is the 3rd nationally commemorated African American holiday.

It is an observance of atonement, reconciliation, celebration, and 24-hour demonstration of Black love, showing 5 Tenets (specific acts). They are love towards the Creator, for Self, for the Family, within the Black Community, and for the Black Race. Also, during BLD, whites show "love in action" towards Blacks, atonement, or introspection of their racial attitudes and behavior.

BLD was founded in 1993 by Ayo Handy Kendi, founder/director of the African American Holiday Association. BLD is an African-centered alternative to the commercial Valentine's Day with the spiritual goals of encouraging 1) Black self-love instead of self-hatred, 2) increased peace to stop the violence, and 3) racial healing!

WHAT TO DO: Every Feb. 13 on BLD, People of African Descent show love for 24 hours.
They demonstrate the 5 Tenets of Black Love and recommit to the Nguzo Saba principles of love and unity for the Black Diaspora.
They display the "Akoma," an Adinkra symbol of love, patience, goodwill, faithfulness & endurance.
They give the greeting, "Nya Akoma" (N-yah Ah-Coma), which means "Get a heart, be patient!"
They celebrate with personal love rituals, couple love-ins, or community relationship ceremonies.
They buy conscious love gifts from Black merchants to recycle Black dollars to love our communities.
They read "The Black Love Book" to inspire us toward love's healing power. Beyond Feb. 13, practice the principles of Black Love, returning to love daily to heal ALL our relationships and better the planet!

BLD’s themes vary from year to year; some have been as follows: "Raising the Love Vibration of Woman, Raising a Nation" to address the state of emergency of the Black Family through the solution of self-love within Black women.

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