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Wed, 03.04.1931

Carol Millard, Singer and Actress born

Carol Millard

*Carol Maillard was born on this date in 1951. She is a Black vocalist and actress.

Maillard is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and originally attended the Catholic University of America on scholarship as a Violin Performance major. She began writing music and performing with the Drama Department and eventually changed her major to Theater. This passion for the stage brought her to the D.C. Black Repertory Company and the beginnings of the vocal ensemble that was to become Sweet Honey In The Rock.

Maillard is an accomplished actress and has performed in film, television, and on stage. Her theater credits encompass musical comedy and revues to drama and experimental. She has performed on and off Broadway with the Negro Ensemble Company, the New York Shakespeare Festival, and the Actors Studio (Hunter).

She was in the feature films Beloved and Thirty Years to Life. On television, Carol has appeared in For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide and Halleluiah! (PBS); Law and Order: SVU and Law and Order. Her rendition of Motherless Child arranged for Sweet Honey is in the motion picture THE VISIT and the Dorothy Height documentary, ‘We Are Not Vanishing.’ She was Conceptual Producer for the documentary film on PBS' American Masters 2005 – Sweet Honey In The Rock, Raise Your Voice!’  She has recorded with Horace Silver, Betty Buckley, and the SYDA Foundations' recording Sounds of Light as a vocalist.

In 2003, her poem H2O Flow opened the selection of Marjorie Ryerson's photo/poetry book ‘Water Music.’ And in 1998, she penned the HERSTORY for Sweet Honey's first songbook, ‘Continuum.’ Maillard lives in Manhattan and is the mother of Jordan Maillard Ware, who is currently attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2018 the Broadway hit musical revue EUBIE! She performed a concert version of the show at Feinstein's 54BELOW. She was a part go that celebration. Maillard lives in Manhattan and is the mother of Jordan Maillard Ware, a Morehouse graduate, violinist/composer, and producer.

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