John F. Ramos Jr.
*John F. Ramos, Jr. was on this date in 1920. He was a Black Physician and School Board Member.
John Francis Ramos, Jr. was from Boston, MA. He received a bachelor’s degree from Seton Hall College in Newark, New Jersey, and attended Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. His internship and residency in radiology occurred at the old General Hospital No. 2, Kansas City’s Hospital for Blacks. He was the first resident to complete his training at the hospital and was certified by the American Board of Radiology in 1950.
In 1964, Dr. Ramos was nominated by the Democratic county committee to serve as a Kansas City School Board member. Under the system of the time, the Democratic and Republican parties nominated an equal number of candidates, and they were cross-endorsed by the opposing party. Black citizens had constantly tried to have a Black named to the Board. Ramos served the school board calmly until he was struck by poor health. Ramos was also very interested in the Kansas City library and in developing a collection that contains books, microfilm, records, and films. He died on December 28, 1970.
After his death, the Kansas City Times eulogized, "He was never an orator, but his remarks could be sharp and to the point. He was very conscious of the need for schools to improve their product and to give special aid to the youngsters whose backgrounds were of little help in the classroom." In January 1971, the Negro History Collection of the Kansas City Public Library was officially named the John F. Ramos, Jr. Collection by the Board of Education.
Black Archives of Mid-America
2033 Vine Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108