Rosco McKinney
*Roscoe Lewis McKinney was born on this date in 1900. He was a Black scientist specializing in Anatomy.
From Washington D.C., He earned his B.A. from Bates College in 1921. From there, he taught Biology at Morehouse College for two years. He earned his Ph.D. in Anatomy from the University of Chicago in 1930, assisted by a Rockefeller Fellowship. His dissertation was “A Study on Tissue Culture III, The Development of Reticulum into Collagenous Fibers in Cultures of Adult Rabbits Lymph Nodes.”
A Professor of Anatomy at Howard University, McKinney, set the School of Medicine's first Department of Anatomy. He also served as Dean of the school and retired from teaching at Howard in 1968. He was a visiting professor in Iraq, 1955-57; From 1960-1962, he served as a medical educator at the Osmania Medical College in Hyderabad, India, at the request of the US Department of State and in Vietnam, 1967-69. Dr. McKinney remained on the faculty at Howard until 1976. As a Fulbright Fellow in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1955 and 1956, Dr. McKinney served as a professor of microscopic anatomy at the Royal College of Medicine.
Upon his retirement in June 1968, as Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Dr. McKinney was immediately reappointed to the faculty, where he served until 1969 when he became a consultant in anatomy to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Saigon, Viet Nam. From 1971 to 1976, he continued to have a year-to-year appointment as a professor in the Department of Anatomy at Howard University. Dr. McKinney was a member of many scholarly organizations, including Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Beta Kappa Chi, the American Association of Anatomists, and the American Association for the Advancement in Science. Dr. Rosco McKinney died on September 30, 1978.
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