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Sun, 01.22.1860

Walter Cohen, Politician born

Walter L. Cohen

*Walter Louis Cohen was born on this date in 1860. He was a Black politician and businessman.

Cohen was born a free man of color in New Orleans and educated at St. Louis Catholic School and Straight College. An active member of post-Civil War politics, he was one of the few Blacks to hold political office after Reconstruction.

President McKinley appointed him to the office of Customs Inspector, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him to the position of Registrar of U.S. Land Office, and President Harding appointed him to the office of Comptroller of Customs.

A successful businessman, Cohen was the founder and president of People's Life Insurance Co. He was also active in benevolent and fraternal organizations. Walter L. Cohen died in New Orleans on December 29, 1930, and is buried in St. Louis Cemetery No. 3

To Become a Political Scientist


The New Orleans

The Encyclopedia of African American Heritage
by Susan Altman
Copyright 1997, Facts on File, Inc. New York
ISBN 0-8160-3289-0

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Sat through stories right through them as if they were told & I sat through confluence & allegory through metaphor through old movies repeated on TV, through leaping blue... DAYTON, OH., THE 50’S & 60’S by C. S. Giscombe.
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