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Sun, 12.06.1874

Emma C. Clement, Theological Educator born

Emma Clement

*Emma Clarissa Clement was born on this date in 1874. She was a Black theological educator.

Emma Clarissa Williams was born in Providence, RI. She graduated from Livingston College and married George C. Clement, Bishop, and AME Zion Church. She was named American Mother-of-the-Year on May 1, 1946; she was the first Black woman so honored. As the granddaughter of a slave, Clement accepted the award "in the name of millions of Negroes in the United States and in the name of all mothers."

Clement lived in Louisville, KY., and was a lifetime partner with her husband's ministry. At 71, the Golden Rule Foundation recognized her with the honor. Clement was the mother of Rufus E. Clement, the late President of Atlanta University, Ruth E. Clement Bond, and five other children. All of her children graduated from Livingston College.

Also, Emma C. Clement Elementary School in Atlanta is named after her. Emma Clement died in 1952.


The Fascinating Story of Black Kentuckians,
by A. A. Dunnigan; and "News from our file: fifty years ago,"
Marysville Journal-Tribune, 05/02/1996, p. 4.

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