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Tue, 04.15.1884

John Lloyd, Baseball Player, and Manager born

John H. Lloyd

On this date, John Henry Lloyd was born in 1884. He was a Black baseball player and manager in the Negro Leagues, considered one of the greatest shortstops in the game.

From Palatka, Fla., Lloyd's well-traveled Negro League career began in 1905 when he was a catcher for the Macon Acmes. He played second base for the Cuban X-Giants the following year.  For most of his career, Lloyd played shortstop and was often compared to Honus Wagner, the white-American shortstop of the Pittsburgh Pirates of Major League Baseball. Later in his career, Lloyd moved back to second and first base. Although he played during baseball's dead-ball era, when home runs were rare, he was one of the best long-ball hitters of the day. Additionally, he was a skilled bunter, had good bat control, and could run the bases well.

Playing winter baseball in Cuba, Lloyd and his Havana Reds excelled against the Detroit Tigers and the Philadelphia Athletics of the major leagues. In 1910, he batted 500 against the Tigers in 12 games. Lloyd became a player-manager in 1911, often staying only one season with a team. With the New York Lincoln Giants in 1930, he played in the first Negro League game at Yankee Stadium in New York City against the Baltimore Black Sox. During his career, Lloyd played with about a dozen Negro League teams, including the Brooklyn Royal Giants, the Philadelphia Hilldale's, and the Atlantic City Bacharach Giants.

The left-handed hitter, called "Pop" in his later years, finished with a Negro League batting average of about.350. In Cuba, where he was known as el Cuchara ("the Shovel"), he hit over 320. Lloyd retired to Atlantic City, N.J., where he was active in Little League baseball. In 1949, the city named a baseball stadium for him. Lloyd was posthumously inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1977. John Henry Lloyd died on March 19, 1965, in Atlantic City, N.J.

To become a Coach




The Negro Baseball Leagues A Photographic History
By Phil Dixon with Patrick J. Hannigan
Copyright 1992, Jed Clauss and Joanna Paulsen
Ameron House Publishing
ISBN 0-88488-0425-2

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