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Fri, 01.01.1808

Phillip A. Bell, Journalist born

Phillip A. Bell

*Philip Alexander Bell was born on this date in 1808. He was a Black journalist and abolitionist.

From New York City, Bell attended Colored Citizens Conventions as early as 1830 and established his first newspaper, the Weekly Advocate, in 1837 after working for William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator. After moving to San Francisco, California, in 1860, Bell maintained connections with important abolition leaders such as Garrison and Frederick Douglass by reporting on Black political and economic opportunities in the West. In 1862, Bell joined forces with Peter Anderson to edit the Pacific Appeal, one of the first major Black newspapers, but he and Anderson soon clashed.

By 1865, Bell established his weekly newspaper, The Elevator, under the slogan, “Equality Before the Law.”  The Elevator demanded California legislators approve the proposed Reconstruction-era constitutional amendments acknowledging Black citizenship and suffrage rights. Bell also regularly editorialized on behalf of expanding black children’s educational opportunities. California state legislators repeatedly rejected efforts to grant Blacks greater American Civil Rights, but ratifying the 14th and 15th Amendments allowed Black male Californians voting rights in 1870.

Initially a strong supporter of the Republican Party, Bell organized the independent Equal Rights League in 1876 to lobby politicians across party lines to support Black opportunities. Although Peter Anderson charged Bell with seeking patronage perks, and most Blacks continued to support the Republican Party, Bell remained an influential figure within Black California until his death on April 24, 1889.

to be a Journalist or Reporter

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The usual is there, nondescript trees opened like umbrellas, pessimist always expecting rain, chickadees whose folding and unfolding wings suggest the shuffling and reshuffling of the cardsharp's deck; nothing... LANDSCAPE WITH SAXOPHONE by Thylias Moss.
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