Today's Articles

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Fri, 12.03.1971

The National Organization of Minority Architects is Formed

This date in 1971 celebrates the founding of The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA).

That year, 12 Black architects from different parts of the country attended a National Convention in Detroit. They saw the desperate need for an organization dedicated to the development and advancement of minority architects. These men were William Brown, Leroy Campbell, Wendell Campbell, John S. Chase, D. Dodd, Kenneth B. Groggs, Nelson Harris, Jeh Johnson, E.H. McDowell, Robert J. Nash, Harold Williams, and Robert Wilson.

Since then, NOMA has been an increasingly influential voice, promoting the quality and excellence of minority design professionals. NOMA chapters exist throughout the United States, on college and university campuses, providing greater access to government policymakers. NOMA thrives when voluntary members contribute their time and resources.

Its mission is to continue building a strong national organization, strong chapters, and vital members to minimize the effect of racism in their profession. The organization builds membership one professional at a time. NOMA is actively involved in advancing minority professionals, from helping college students find jobs to aiding member firms in securing contracts.

Among the missions NOMA has organized are to foster communications and fellowship among minority architects, to form a federation of minority architectural groups, and to fight discrimination that unfairly restricts minority architects' participation in design and construction.

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I am the smoke king, I am black. I am swinging in the sky. I am ringing worlds on high: I am the thought of the... THE SONG OF THE SMOKE by William Edward Burghardt Du Bois.
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