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Wed, 08.27.1879

Robert Lee Vann, News Publisher born

Robert L. Vann

This date marks the birthday of Robert Lee Vann, who was born in 1879. He was a Black publisher, lawyer, and editor.

Robert Lee Vann was born in Ahoskie, Hertford County, North Carolina, and attended the Western University of Pennsylvania. He graduated from law school in June 1909. In 1910, he became the Pittsburgh Courier's editor and publisher. Under his nurturing and leadership, The Courier developed into one of the leading Black newspapers of this era.  By the 1930s, it was one of the highest-circulation Black newspapers in the United States. As many as 14 different editions were circulated throughout the country.

Vann was involved in politics throughout his association with The Courier. In 1918, he was appointed the fourth assistant city solicitor in Pittsburgh, the highest position held by a Black in the city government. Initially a Republican, he grew disillusioned with the party and converted to the Democratic Party.

On September 11, 1932, Vann delivered a famous speech at the St. James Literary Forum in Cleveland titled "The Patriot and the Partisan. " In it, he urged blacks nationwide to turn away from the Republican Party, which had failed them. He focused on supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt's Democratic Party in the 1932 election. Vann was subsequently named special assistant to the U.S. attorney general. In 1935, he helped campaign for enacting an equal rights law in the State of Pennsylvania.

Vann served as editor and publisher of The Pittsburgh Courier until his death on October 24, 1940.

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