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Tue, 11.06.1973

A School Superintendent is Killed by Domestic Terrorist Group

Marcus Foster

A Black superintendent of schools was killed in an ambush on this date in 1973.

Marcus A. Foster, superintendent of schools in Oakland, CA, was ambushed after a Board of Education meeting. He was shot eight times, and five bullets were tipped with cyanide. Two members of the Symbionese Liberation Army, a West Coast terrorist group, were convicted of the slaying.  Still, the conviction of one of the men was overturned on a legal technicality.

The SLA was angry with Foster for following a school directive to issue identification cards to students to protect them from drug dealers and gang members wandering the campus.

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I do not want to stand Beside you at the feast; You eat of rot. Or walk Beside you; your pace is not my pace. To follow You or be... MY OWN HALLELUJAHS by Zack Gilbert.
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