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Tue, 09.10.1907

Alvin Childress, Actor born

Alvin Childress

*Alvin Childress was born on this date in 1907. He was a Black Actor.

He attended Rust College in Meridian, Mississippi, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. When he entered college, Childress intended to become a doctor, enrolling in typical pre-med courses. He had no thoughts of becoming involved in acting but became involved in theater outside of classes.

Childress moved to New York City and became an actor with Harlem's Lafayette Players, a troupe of stock players associated with the Lafayette Theatre.  Soon, he was engaged as an actor in the Federal Theater Project, the American Negro Theater, and in all-black race film productions such as Keep Punching (1939).

His greatest success on the stage was his performance as Noah in the popular comedy Anna Lucasta, which ran for 957 performances.  He also worked at Teachers College of Columbia University.  Childress also operated his own radio and record store in New York City.

He is mainly known for his character Amos in the television series Amos 'n' Andy. His other TV and film credits include Sister, Sister (1982) (TV). Mister Jacobs; Main Event, (1979), Man in Gym; Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings, (1976); Horace, Owner of Black Crackers; Eleanor and Franklin (1976) (TV); Darktown Strutters (1975); Get Down and Boogie (1975); Day of the Locust, The (1975), Butler; Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974), Janitor; Banyon (1971) (TV), Mr. Clayton; The Man in the Net, (1959) (uncredited), Alonzo; Anna Lucasta (1958), Noah; "Amos 'n' Andy" (1951) TV Series, Amos Jones; Keep Punching (1939). Guest Appearances (TV) "Good Times" (1974), "Reverend Gordon" "Sanford and Son" (1972), "Minister," and "Perry Mason" (1957), "Janitor" in "Case of the Tragic Trophy,

Alvin Childress died on April 19, 1986, in Inglewood, California, of Parkinson's disease.

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