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Wed, 01.02.1884

Filmmaker, Oscar Micheaux born

Oscar Micheaux

On this date, we recall the birth of Oscar Micheaux in 1884. He was a Black novelist, businessman, and pioneer filmmaker.

Oscar Micheaux was born near Murphysboro, Illinois. At 17, he traveled to Chicago, where he worked as a shoeshine boy and Pullman Porter. In 1904, he bought a homestead in South Dakota, where the frontier environment provided ample material for several of his most important books and movies.

Micheaux's first creative work was the 1913 novel, "The Conquest: The Story of a Negro Pioneer." Micheaux's first film. "The Homesteader," in 1919, came from his second novel and was a product of his business, The Micheaux Book and Film Company. He produced, wrote, and directed over 30 films over the next three decades. Eventually, branch offices of his company opened in New York and Chicago.

The first African American feature-length movie with sound, "The Exile," was a 1931 Micheaux creation. The budgets for Micheaux's many films came from the director's entrepreneurial efforts. He transported prints from town to town, sometimes for a single showing, and edited his movies on the road. His works portrayed the struggles of individual characters against prejudice within the Black community as well as in opposition to racism. Micheaux returned to writing novels in the last decade of his life. A retelling of his pioneer memories appeared in the 1944 film, "The Wind from Nowhere."

Oscar Micheaux, best known for his dramatic movies about Black life, died in 1951.

To Become a Media Producer or Director


Reference Library of Black America, Volumes 1 through 5
Edited by Mpho Mabunda
Copyright 1998, Gale Research, Detroit, MI

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*Jack Johnson licked one pug so, d man retired to a farm. Never again opened his mouth save to talk abt peach-trees, sow & last year’s almanac; And whenever somebody say... WHITE HOPE (for shane stevens) by Ishmael Reed.
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