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Sun, 07.25.1954

Walter Payton, Football Player born

Walter Payton

*On this date, in 1954, Walter Payton was born. He was a Black football player.

Also known as “Sweetness,” Walter Jerry Payton was from Columbia, Mississippi. He graduated from and played college ball at Jackson State University. Payton was drafted in the 1st round (4th overall) by the Chicago Bears in 1975 and played with them his entire career, 13 seasons (190 games) from 1975 through 1987.  At 5’10”, 200 pounds, he quickly established himself as a superstar. Payton holds the single-game rushing record of 275 yards.

Payton was very active in charitable endeavors during and after his football career. He was elected and enshrined into the Hall of Fame in 1993.  Walter Payton, #34, one of the best running backs ever to play professional football in America, died in November 1999.

To become a Professional Athlete


The Walter and Connie Payton Foundation
11 South Sutton,
Streamwood, IL 60107-0154

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*Jack Johnson licked one pug so, d man retired to a farm. Never again opened his mouth save to talk abt peach-trees, sow & last year’s almanac; And whenever somebody say... WHITE HOPE (for shane stevens) by Ishmael Reed.
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