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Fri, 03.22.1946

The Clarion Newspaper is Published

The Clarion (copy)

*The Clarion newspaper is celebrated on this date in 1946.  This was the first newspaper published in Nova Scotia, Canada, expressly for its Black citizens.

The first issue was an 8'' X10 '' single sheet -- a community bulletin designed to serve New Glasgow's black population. Founded by Carrie Best, by 1947, she had incorporated it as Clarion Publishing Company Limited and was publishing a small broadsheet, whose aim was to work for the betterment of race relations. Her backers were Lemuel B. Mills, a New Glasgow contractor, and Dr. A.E. Waddell, a Halifax doctor.

Among her first big stories was the case against Viola Desmond, the Halifax beautician arrested, charged, and fined for sitting in the whites-only seats at New Glasgow's Roseland Theatre. The Clarion was published from 1946 to 1956 and was revived briefly as The Negro Citizen in 1977.

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