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Thu, 05.15.1919

The Women’s Service Club (Boston) is Founded

Centennial Logo

*This date in 1919 celebrates the founding of the Women's Service Club, which was formed to support soldiers of color fighting in World War I.

Founded in Boston, MA., hundreds of women joined the group, donating their talents to produce scarves and gloves for Black servicemen. Their building was purchased in 1919 and operated as a part-meeting space and part-settlement house. "A Home Away from Home," as some described it, the building offered affordable shelter to female workers, migrants, and college students barred from on-campus housing due to racist policies.

One of the club's most prominent members was Melnea Cass, who served as its President for over fifteen years. Cass initiated the Homemakers Training Program, which certified domestic workers for a livable minimum wage, social security, and other benefits. The club continues to do great work but could use the funding to restore the landmark building!

New Poem Each Day

Poetry Corner

O’ de wurl’ ain’t flat,An’ de wurl’ ain’t roun’,H’it’s one long stripHangin’ up an’ down—Jes’ Souf an’ Norf;Jes’ Norf an’ Souf. —from Ariel Williams Holloway, “Northboun'” , 1926 “NORTHBOUND'” by Ariel Williams Holloway
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