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Fri, 06.05.1981

Diana Méndez, Lawyer born

Diana Méndez

*Diana Méndez was born on this date in 1981. She is an Afro Ecuadorian jurist and lawyer.

Diana Salazar Méndez spent her childhood in her native Ibarra, Ecuador, before moving to Quito with her family at age 16. She was raised solely by her mother, Olivia Méndez, an educational psychologist, and three siblings. She has a Political and Social Sciences degree from the Central University of Ecuador and a master's degree in Procedural Law with a Criminal mention from the Indoamérica Technological University.

In 2001, while studying at Central University Law School, she began working as an assistant prosecutor in the Pichincha Prosecutor's Office. In 2006, she became a secretary in the office, and in 2011, she became a prosecutor for the capital. As a prosecutor, Méndez investigated the 2015 FIFA corruption case.

As a result, Luis Chiriboga, the ex-president of the Ecuadorian Football Federation, was arrested. She later chaired the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit and directed investigations into corruption, such as then-Vice President Jorge Glas's involvement in the Odebrecht scandal.

Diana Salazar was appointed unanimously as the Attorney General of Ecuador by the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social, CPCCS) on April 1, 2019.

To become a Political Scientist

To Become a Lawyer

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