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Wed, 02.03.1858

Gabino Ezeiza, Payada Musician born

Gabino Ezeiza

*Gabino Ezeiza was born on this date in 1858. He was an Afro Argentinean musician. Gabino Ezeiza was one of the greatest performers in the art of the payada.

He became renowned, both in his native land and in Uruguay, after a memorable encounter with Oriental payador Juan de Nava, who carried a certain halo of invincibility at the time. This celebrated contest was held in the city of Paysandú on July 23, 1884, in front of one of the largest crowds to gather for a payada duel (in Argentina, July 23 is established as the "Day of the Payador" in commemoration of this event). Ezeiza, nicknamed "Black Ezeiza was eventually proclaimed the winner with the improvisation of his famous "Saludo a Paysandú."

A recording of this song is the only existing record of Ezeiza's voice. He went on to become one of the greatest payadores in the history of the art form (alongside, amongst others, Santos Vega). He was also well known for his sense of humor. Gabino Ezeiza died on October 12, 1916.

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