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Tue, 08.17.1886

Lottie Gee, Vaudville Performer born

Lottie Gee

*Lottie Gee was born on this date in 1886. She was a Black dancer and singer who performed in shows and musicals during the Harlem Renaissance.

Charlotte O. 'Lottie' Gee was born in Millboro, Virginia. Initially a dancer in Aida Overton Walker's shows, she appeared in The Red Moon in 1904 and later toured the vaudeville circuit in multiple acts. In 1910, composer Ford Dabney formed several touring vaudeville groups, including Dabney's Ginger Girls, a duet composed of Gee and soprano and Effie King as dancer and contralto. Gee sang the song "I'm Just Wild About Harry" in the musical Shuffle Along in 1921.

Gee appeared in The Chocolate Dandies (1924). In 1925, she was a featured performer with Chocolate Kiddies on its European tour. Gee and Edith Spencer became partners as Harlem's Sweethearts in 1928. Later, Allegretti Anderson joined the group, and they became a trio billed as Harmony Trio, the Creole Beauties, and the Three Dark Sisters. In 1927, she was an honorary pallbearer at the funeral of Florence Mills.

Lottie Gee, the grandaunt to Grammy, Tony-award winner Dee Dee Bridgewater, and longtime girlfriend of the composer Eubie Blake, died on January 13, 1973.

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