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Tue, 01.10.2023

Memphis Police Murder Tyre Nichols

Tyre Nichols

*On this date in 2023, Tyre Nichols died from injuries incurred by Memphis, TN. Police Department.

Five Black police officers from the city's Scorpion Unit severely beat 29-year-old Tyre Nichols, a Black man, during a traffic stop. The episode happened on January 7, resulting in his death three days later in the hospital. The officers stopped Nichols for alleged reckless driving, pulled him from his car, and used pepper spray and a taser.

Nichols managed to break away. As other officers pursued Nichols, one officer said, "I hope they stomp his ass."  When officers caught up with Nichols, they beat him for about three minutes, punching and kicking him in the head and striking him on the back with a baton while he was restrained. In various videos of the incident, Nichols is not seen ever striking back at the officers. Nichols was hospitalized in critical condition and died three days later. An autopsy commissioned by his family found "extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating." 

The five officers were fired on January 20, and on January 26, they were arrested and charged with murder, kidnapping, assault, and misconduct; two firefighters on the ambulance that took Nichols to the hospital were relieved of duty pending an investigation. On January 27, the Memphis Police Department released four edited video clips showing events between 8:24 p.m. and 9:02 p.m. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice opened investigations. Widespread protests began on January 27, 2023. 

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