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Fri, 02.10.1832

Paul Brock, Broadcast Journalist born

Paul Brock

*Paul Brock was born on this date in 1932.   He was a Black broadcast journalist and community activist. 

An only child from Washington, D.C., Brock attended Howard University and spent eighteen years as a radio journalist before moving into television production and reporting at WBNB in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. From there, Brock became news director at WETA and later WHUR in Washington, D.C. While with WETA, he was credited with bringing the first live coverage of a congressional committee hearing ever aired.  

In 1948, Brock began as the originator, producer, and chief fundraiser of the NAACP Nightly Convention Highlights program that aired on PBS from 1978 to 1983. Later, Brock served as producer, writer, editor, and national distributor of the NAACP  Voter Education public service announcements. The success of this was a launching point for him to move into a position as a fundraiser, assistant producer, and vice president of the company that produced American Playhouse. He has also served as the deputy director of communications for the Democratic National Committee and vice president for news and operations at the American Urban Radio Network. He was a senior fellow for public affairs at Howard University's Institute for the Study of Educational Policy.

He has also been a member of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) since 1975. In 1975, Jet and Ebony recognized him as Man of the Year, and in 1983, Brock received the African American Filmmakers Award for Producer of the Year. In 1994, Brock became media coordinator of the Village Foundation, an organization working to "repair the breach" between African American males and the rest of society. He left the Village Foundation in 2002. Brock has four children and a wife, Virginia.

On March 14, 2021, Paul Brock died 

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